MEDAN – IAO USU : Students should be prepared to generate innovation from the beginning. Because without innovation, the alumni of a College would not be successful, especially in regard the era of industrial revolution 4.0. It is delivered by WR3 USU in the opening event of Student workshops on Social Enterpreneurship at Universitas Sumatera Utara.


The event was officially opened by Vice Rector III for research, community service, and cooperation, Drs. Mahyuddin K.M. Nasution, MIT, Ph.D. on Wednesday (6/2/19). On that occasion Vice Rector III expexts this workshop will inspire students to became the sociopreneur. In addition to that, students are expected to develop creative ideas and innovative. The project’s aim is to promote the entrepreneurial mindset and innovation in partner country higher education institutions (HEIs) by strengthening the University-Business cooperation for better employability of social entrepreneurs and for increasing their relevance for the labour market and the society.


The participants of the Workshop are students from various faculties at Universitas Sumatera Utara. Vice Rector III University of North Sumatra (USU) nd cooperation, Drs Mahyuddin K M Nasution, MIT, Ph.d, in the presence of a number of students from various faculties in USU, The Workshop’s topic is Social Entrepreneurship Based on Local Wisdom, in the program Inspire WP 2.5 Student Workshop USU lasted until 8 February 2018 was conducted at the IMT-GT Room, the Bureau's Administrative Centre 2nd floor, USU Medan.


The opening ceremony was also attended by  the INSPIRE team Dr Esther Nababan, Dr Ing Pramio G Sembiring, Dr Emerson P Sinulingga, Dr Rulianda P Wibowo, Dr. Ir. Nelson M Siahaan, Dipl TP, M. Arch, Drs Agus Salim Harahap, M.Si. On this workshop, INSPIRE team conduct the workshop in collaboration with the teaching staff of faculty of Economy and Business USU, Business Incubator Center and the Student Entrepreneur Center of USU. They are Ms.Yasmin Chairunnisa Muchtar, SP. MBA ; Drs Bongsu Hutagalung, M Si ; Mr. Syafrudin SE, M.Si ; Dr. Yenny;  Ms. Emi Harso,Ph.D ;  Ms. Lilik Sukeksi, Ph D; Ir. Nazarudin, MT,  Mr. Buchary,Ph.D. 


The modules delivered on the workshop are Introducing to Social Entrepreneurship,   Identifying Social Problem, Resources Know How Partners, Core Activities of The Social Enterprise, Outputs and Value Proposition; and Intended Social Impact. 


The head of the International Affairs Office, Dr. Esther Nababan, announced that there will be Student Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship held on the upcoming 27 February 2019  with  keynote speaker Mr. Victor from the University of Alicante, Spain. The workshop will be more focus on tutoring students who are interested in social entrepreneurs and willing to participate on Business Plan Competition to be conducted sometimes this year in Bandung. 



Proyek Kerjasama ADVANCE Akan Berakhir, USU Gelar Round Table Meeting

Proyek Kerjasama ADVANCE Akan Berakhir, USU Gelar Round Table Meeting


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MEDAN – HUMAS USU : Kerjasama yang terjalin selama tiga tahun antara Universitas Sumatera Utara dengan Erasmus+ melalui Proyek Kerjasama ADVANSE, akan berakhir pada Februari 2019 mendatang. Dalam rangka melakukan evaluasi dan sharing informasi terkait pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan rencana tindak lanjut pasca berakhirnya proyek, Kantor Urusan Internasional (KUI) Universitas Sumatera Utara  menggelar Round Table Meeting, Rabu (2/1).

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Kegiatan berlangsung di Ruang Senat Akademik Biro Pusat Administrasi USU lantai 2. Dihadiri antara lain oleh Wakil Rektor III USU Drs Mahyuddin KM Nasution, MIT, Ph D, Wakil Rektor IV  Prof Dr Ir Bustami Syam, M.S.M.E, Kepala Kantor Urusan Internasional USU Dr Esther Nababan, M Sc, Para Staf Ahli Rektor USU, Kepala Biro dan Unit Kerja yang terlibat dalam proyek tersebut. Round Table Meeting merupakan tahap diskusi para pimpinan mengenai hal-hal apa yang akan dilakukan, agar proyek dapat sustainable atau berkelanjutan.

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Wakil Rektor III USU Drs Mahyuddin KM Nasution, MIT, Ph D, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya kepada seluruh anggota tim yang telah bersusah-payah dalam memastikan berjalannya dengan baik seluruh program yang telah ditetapkan. Ia berharap semoga proyek masih akan berlanjut pada masa mendatang. Dengan akan berakhirnya seluruh kegiatan proyek ADVANSE pada bulan Februari mendatang, WR III berharap agar ada beberapa hal yang bisa diterapkan sebagai pembelajaran bagi semua pihak di USU. WR III menilai, walaupun pihak pemberi dana menilai bahwa seluruh kegiatan telah berlangsung dengan baik, namun ada beberapa luaran yang belum terlaksana.

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Sementara Wakil Rektor IV USU Prof Dr Ir Bustami Syam, M.S.M.E, menyatakan bahwa secara pribadi ia sangat senang sekali karena proyek sudah berjalan dengan baik. Ia berharap, ke depannya, siapapun yang menjadi project leader, banyak melibatkan orang-orang berkompeten dalam tim.Menurut Koordinator Pelaksana Proyek ADVANSE, Kepala Kantor Urusan Internasional USU Dr Esther Nababan, M Sc, proyek ini bertujuan untuk melakukan sharing dan studi komparasi mengenai sistem pengelolaan keuangan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand. Durasi proyek yang sudah dan masih berjalan yakni dari Maret 2016 hingga Februari 2019, dengan Koordinator Proyek FH Joanneum University for Applied Science, Graz, Austria. Trainer berasal dari University of alicante, Spanyol, dan University of Sarlandee, Jerman. Sementara yang terlibat sebagai peserta adalah Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Gajah MAda, University Putra Malaysia, Institut Teknologi Mara Malaysia, Kasetsart University Thailand dan NAresuan University Thailand.

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Adapun output yang dihasilkan dalam Advanse Network for National and Regional Integration ini antara lain adalah mewujudkan publikasi bersama, mendapatkan rekomendasi dari para stake holder untuk peningkatan sistem pengelolaan keuangan Perguruan Tinggi, pembentukan Konsorsium International ADVANSE dengan Indonesia sebagai kordinatornya serta berbagai bantuan peralatan berupa server, laptop, prnter, scanner, dan komputer desktop untuk biro keuangan USU.Dalam kesempatan itu juga turut diserahterimakan sumbangan berupa peralatan untuk peningkatan kinerja biro keuangan USU. (Humas)

2nd Donations of Equipment from Erasmus+ through ADVANSE

2nd Donations of Equipment from Erasmus+ through ADVANSE




As the ADVANSE program will be completed by this year, Universitas Sumatera Utara has received the 2nd donations of equipment from Erasmus+.This donations still in purpose of the modernization of financial management practices and income diversification strategies in higher education institution. The equipments provided are personal computer, laptop, and projector.

The equipments was delivered by the Vice Rector for Research, Community Service and Cooperation of USU to the Head of Financial Bureau, Head of Internal Audit Division and Head of Public Relations Division, with an expectation that the equipments will bring the best performance of the system and the employee.

May this program bring us in to a great collaboration in the future with Erasmus+ in another upcoming program.

Tomsk State University explores cooperation with Universitas Sumatera Utara

Tomsk State University explores cooperation with Universitas Sumatera Utara


Tomsk State University – Russia, which is one of the 300 best Universities in the world to explore a partnership with the University of North Sumatra. They conducted online meeting via skype on Friday 5 October 2018 at 14.00 – 15.30. Present at the conference Kalitbang Pemprovsu Dr. M. Fauzi Nasution, SpB, SpB (K) V, MSurg consultant on Endovaskular Indonesia and Vascular surgeon who also is Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation Consulate in Medan, Prof. Alexey a. Sazonov the Vice Rector of TSU for research who also is a Chairman of the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology TSU, Prof. Artem Yu Rikum , the Vice-Chancellor for International Cooperation, and the Honorary Consul of the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Penang Mr. TSU Teoh Seng Lee.
Skype conference was attended by Dr. Esther Nababan, M.Sc., the head of the Office of International Affairs USU, and Dr. Garson Pramio, Secretary of the Office of international affairs USU. Lecturer in charge of the USU who was supposed to attend the online meeting but was unable to attend due to events that cannot be left behind is Dr. Tavi Supriatna, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture. The skype conference was facilitated by Dr. Muhammad Fauzi Nasution. The meeting discussed about the cooperation plan between USU with the TSU, particularly on biotechnology.

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Dr. Esther Nababan, M.Sc and Dr. Pramio Garson were on the skype conference in the meeting room of the International Affairs Office USU


Prior to the skype meeting, the teaching staff of TSU Professor Fedor Gubarev form the Research School of Chemistry and Applied Science facilitated by Dr. Muhammad Fauzi Nasution, SpB, SpB (K) V, MSurg had visited the Universitas Sumatera Utara on 20 September 2018. On his visit to USU, Professor Fedor Gubarev met with Secretary of USU Dr. Farhat, the head of the International Affairs Office of USU (IAO – USU) Dr. Esther Nababan, M.Sc and the secretary of Dr. Pramio Garson, Secretary of IAO USU. In such meeting, Prof. Fedor Gubarev exposes about the TSU. The research focus at TSU is currently a prioritized on the well-being of the whole society as well as individuals with respect to a new industrial revolution that changed the landscape of the economy (an economy upon request), the social structure (digitization, stratification, and inequality), and the well-being of mankind globally.
The meeting also discussed about the implementation of the cooperation that can be implemented immediately i.e. Credit Mobility programs for lecturers and students. In the near future, the staff form TSU plan to revisit Universitas Sumatra Utara to meet with the Rector, the Vice-Rector of research, community service and cooperation, and with the head International Affairs Office of USU, and the dean of Faculty of Agriculture to discuss about collaboration program between the USU and the TSU.


Dr. Esther Nababan, with honorary consul of Russia in Medan Dr. M. Fauzi Nasution, and Prof. Fedor Gubarev from TSU


MEIN LEBEN IN GRAZ - AUSTRIA (Sabrina Cyndi Azhari Pasaribu)

Hi! My name is Sabrina Cyndi Azhari Pasaribu, I’m 21 years old and I was a third-year management student of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, when I went to Graz, Austria within the ERASMUS+ student exchange program in FH JOANNEUM. I still remember the day that I read this student exchange program opportunity through our class LINE group and then I asked for my parents’ permission to let me apply this program. On August 2017, I got the email that could change my life! FH Joanneum mailed me that I got the one semester-student exchange program for Summer Semester 2018! I was grateful and speechless for a while, back then, I always have had this dream, to study abroad since I was in Junior High School and God answers all of those prayers on my very very last bachelor semester! It was unbelieveable!
The International Relation Office of FH JOANNEUM are likely to send every information that I need by emails before I arrive there. All the paper and administrative things have completed well-informed by them. They were so responsive, helpful yet so friendly. They really try their best to figure the problem out. Finally, I got my first passport and Schengen Visa and on February 9th, 2018, after 17 hours flight, I arrived in Graz, Austria. I couldn’t help myself to stop looking at the window from my seat, see that everything was covered in white, it must be SNOW! It seems that the snow wait for me because even this called “Summer Semester” but the snow still there and I was grateful that finally I could experience my first snow in my life.

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View from Frankfurt to Graz

Before my arrival, I registered for a Buddy Program in Graz that organized by ESN (Erasmus Student Network), a program where local student make friends with incoming student and also help them to start their time in there, so I paired with Emma. We met in Graz airport and we went to IKEA to buy some items that I would need for my 5 months stay in Graz. We also share our stories and had so much fun.
The next Monday, the Orientation Week started by Welcome Lunch in FH Joanneum. Still clear in my mind there was snow falling and I felt so excited yet so nervous in the same time since I used to be a little bit shy for meeting new people, especially with my low level English skill and in addition when I realized that I’m the only woman with hijab. It was really challenge me how I can represent myself as a Muslim, as an Indonesian, as a student and the important thing was represent me as myself with all of those stereotype I heard. Totally I have no idea how this semester will be feels like. But then, all those fears just gone since I stepped my foot on the third floor – International Relations Office. The staffs welcome me with their smiles and then I found myself having some conversations with my new friends all over the world. They made sure that all the international students get along in order to have a wonderful start to the semester. It truly felt like a home away from home.

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Half of Summer Semester Exchange Students after Welcome Lunch

I was in Global Business Program (GBP) and took 5 courses. Even Austria is a German-speaking country, but all the courses in this program taught in English. This program has special system that the student will have only 1 course everyday for 1 week or 2 week so the weeks are literally empty that you can have time to travel. The lecturers were well prepared, professional, friendly and let you feel engaged during classes. The teaching methods were a bit different from my home university and required a lot of case study, discussion and interaction between the students and also the lecturer. Also that each student have their own FH account so I get the access to all of the presentation slides, cases and material of each courses and it made me well-informed and more focus during the class. GBP invites professors from different countries or universities and also from FH, so I can taste quite different kind of courses every week because every professor has a different teaching style.

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 After the class with Prof. Otmar Varela, Organizational Behaviour Lecturer

The fact that the classroom was composed of people from all over the world allowed me to interact and make friends from places I previously never thought I would. I liked this aspect because it gave me a different experience, had engaging tasks which are either done as individually or group work in a multicultural setting by being in the same room and group with other international students and also can learn about their country, cultures, languages, people, and perspectives. Moreover the local students and lecturers are very nice and helpful. All of those differences and diversity amazed me and teach me to be a better person every day ever since.

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World Cafe method, like a  group discussion in class

Besides improving my English skill through everyday conversations, I also took A1.1 German Courses offered by FH to improve my language skills and truly experience the local culture and people. I learnt speak simple basic sentences in my daily activity such as greeting, thanking people and order food, drink or Kebab auf Deutsch! Ich bin glucklich. Even now I keep learning deutsch by myself in my sparetime with YouTube and internet.

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German A1.1 Class having dinner together. Wir bestellen Essen auf deutsch

FH Joanneum frequently made some events for the students so we can participate and find friends there. The International Relation Office provides all the information needed. I joined the Cultural Evening, Tandem+ Program, International Fair and Vienna Excursion. The students also like to attend some parties and events in Graz. Graz city always have the way to entertain the citizen through many events. It’s a remarkable experience meeting and making friends in Austria with students from many countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, England, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Uganda, Russia, and of course Austrians. We were united in Graz!

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Cultural Evening of Indonesia - presentation

During my stay in Graz, fortunately I met Indonesian people who lives in Graz. Once a month we had Muslim gathering when we can recharge our iman and share some foods together. I also got the chance to meet Indonesian people from the same ethnic with me, Bataknese, in Austria. These year was my very first Ramadhan abroad, when I am as a Muslim should fasting for a month. It was challenging since the fasting time in Austria was 17 hours long, which is a bit longer than in Indonesia but as the time goes I enjoyed it and also attended some Iftar Party in Graz. I celebrated Eid Fitri in Indonesian Embassy, Vienna, surrounded by my new Indonesian friends.

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Attend Klanglicht event in Graz with my Indonesian friends

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With Indonesian Bataknese, on an annual meeting in Austria

Another amazing opportunity from this ERASMUS program was travelling! Once we are studying abroad for the exchange program, travelling becomes a part of everyday life. My first trip was ice skating in Budapest, then a day walking trip in Maribor. Then, I planned 2 weeks-straight travelling around Europe together with my friends during Easter Holiday. We went to Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and a 6 hours transit in Switzerland. We set a student-budget-frienldy trip from our grant. I also have a day trip in Hallstatt and Salzburg in Austria. We cook our breakfast and lunch during the trip together to save more money. Every country in Europe feel so close to reach supported by very good transportations and infrastructures. In most of our destination we also visited the Mosques as our place to go. I made my mini Vlog on Instagram and on my YouTube Channel to share the videos of our trip experiences.

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Ice skating in Budapest, Hungary

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In front of Reichstag in Berlin, Germany

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Eiffel Tower at night, Paris, France

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Vienna Excursion with FH Joanneum

I looked back at those five months spent abroad and realized it was the best thing I had done so far as a student and a truly memorable inspiring experience. Everything that I experienced obviously beneficial for me not only academically, but also for my self improvement. My life in Graz as an exchange student was awesome and unforgettable. I really satisfied with my time not only in FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, but in Graz in general. The city is so green, clean, organized, everything is within walking distance, the tram, bus and train were on time, there were also a lot of students from all over the world, different cultures, nice people and also I have never experienced any racism as a Muslim during my stay in Graz and Austria. One of many things that I learn from people in here was how to do work-life balance, they know how to enjoy their quality time and not work overload. I experienced the chance to see what it means and feels to manage those things that a responsible adult deals with every day especially because I have to do all thing in a foreign environment and deal with different people, culture and mentalities, totally out of my comfort zone. I have gained new qualities such as being more confident from the old shy me, self awareness, more localize yet internationalize ourself, got fresh new eyes and perspectives in seeing diversity in the world and more international knowledge about places and people, which is far away from Indonesia.

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 Goodbye Picnic at FH Joanneum

It was a wonderful thing to know that we made friends beyond the borders of our country, with whom that we will always have a lot to share and memorize even though we don’t see each other every day now, but still keep in touch through social media and technologies this day. I extremely recommend this program to every student! It helps us understand our own potential better and get a wider perspective of thinking and understanding. Trust me, get out from our comfort zone and just do it! Now, I am back in Indonesia but my time and memories spent as a student of FH JOANNEUM remains with me forever. I believe that the beauty of studying abroad is we get the opportunity to gain these experiences, relations and qualities early in our life as a student and I am so much grateful that I had the opportunity to spend mine in Graz, Austria. Vielen dank FH Joanneum und ERASMUS! Thank you for helping me to make this possible. Ich hab euch lieb. Terima kasih


MEIN LEBEN IN GRAZ - AUSTRIA (Gabriel Valancy Tanura)

Mein Name ist Gabriel Valancy Tanura. Ich komme aus Indonesien. Ich spreche Indonesisch, Englisch, Chinesisch, und ein bisschen Deutsch. Those are the words I learnt from Austria. My experience as an exchange student in Austria gave me a lot of happiness and best experience. I currently study Management in Universitas Sumatera Utara till I found one of the prestigious scholarship called Erasmus+. I was sponsored by Erasmus+ to study in FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria.

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Throughout my months as an Indonesian exchange student in Austria, I have been smiling and crying, yearning to go home and hoping I could continue staying longer. Being an exchange student, I was appealing at the start, striking, comical with my strange accents, and regular speech errors, but after one month, the exchange student is no longer that new and popular anymore. You will have to make yourself appealing, never wait for other people to invite you; you will have to begin it. I thought it was effortless, but it’s once you’re in that place, you will realize. As an exchange student, it is all about fighting to make your dream come true. I always wanted to be an exchange student ever since I was thirteen. I faced many difficulties prior to leaving, such as I did not want to be separated from my family and friends. In my mind I was thinking of how to deal with a new house to live in, a new family, an unfamiliar language, a laptop screen amid me and my family back at home, when all you want is just to hug and touch them. Not only that, I faced difficulties when I got back to Indonesia after the program.

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I found out that many of my friends had a great time even if I was not there; I recognized that I have matured and people around me are not. Each one of these conditions requires strength and that is what being an exchange student is all about. I packed up and left the country on February of 2018. Seventeen hours later I was in Graz, one of the oldest cities in Austria which was to be my home for the next five months. I saw a lot of snow covering everything. That was my first time of looking and touching the snow! Then I went to Greenbox West and stayed there. It’s really close to FH Joanneum. I started my day by going to IKEA to buy some utilities. I love the snow that cover the city.

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A few days later, I went to FH Joanneum and met some new people. I met Julia at the first time and Julia introduced me to Flora and the others. They are so friendly, I love all of them. For a few days before I begin to study Global Business Program, I went to some place like Zotter Chocolate Factory with my classmates. We had so much fun! I also travelled to some places and other countries in the next 5 months with some friends. At my first day of Global Business class, I learnt about Project Management. I like the way of learning in the class. We had some discussion and we made a new project for each team. Overall, I like all of the lessons. All of the Teachers and Professors are so professional.

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There’s nothing gonna change my best feelings of Graz. I love Graz so much! I want to stay longer if I could. I would like to say thank you very much to FH Joanneum, especially to the International Relation Office for being kind to me. I will not forget all of you. Thank you so much!