Life Long Learning Course of USU in UNIC-Cyprus Moodle

Another development of curriculum of the SPIRIT Project is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) where student could study with using e-Learning platforms with total of 2 equivalent credits with 3 ECTS. Whereas VLE will will be held in May 2023 in the form of life long learning (LLL) courses with use moodle e-Learning University of Nicosia, Cyprus ( partner Europe Erasmus Plus). Course who will held in May 2023 with title Exercise and Nutrition Management in Cancer course . The LLL team is Prof. Dr. dr. Dina Keumala Sari, M. Nutrition ., SpGK (K); Dr. dr. Yetty Machrina , M.Kes , AIFO-K, Sp.KKLP ; Dr. dr. Kamal Basri Siregar , Sp.B (K) Onk ; and dr. Eka Roina Megawati, M. Kes . Expected with LLL development can open insight and understanding about exercise and nutrition in patients cancer can _ accessed by students around the world.
This LLL online course open outlook about gift intake nutritious and balanced nutrition _ during and after treatment cancer could make patient feel more fine and still strong . Component important food _ given for patient cancer for help absorption nutrition food and improve system immunity body patient During undergo treatment consists from balanced carbohydrates , proteins and fats plus with suitable antioxidants in good type and amount . Besides it's on the course this will explained type proper exercise for sufferer cancer so that could help in increase immunity body .

LLL Course