


SC 2022


 jointsummer2019 1




Visitation of Counsellor (Political) Australian Embassy to USU

Medan-USU, Counsellor (Political Affairs) of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Mr. Christian Hirst was doing a visit to Universitas Sumatera Utara at April 27,2017. This visitation was intended to meet the students, lecturers and staff of Universitas Sumatera Utara and have a discussion which themed political affairs of Australian and Indonesian. The discussion was running well, with all the sharing opinion in both sides and the enthusiasm of the students for answering the question and even more giving some question back to Mr. Christian Hirst.


The agenda of this visitation not only to do a political discussion, furthermore this visitation was also to meet the Rector with an intention to offering a chance to establish an #AussieBanget Corner in Universitas Sumatera Utara. Prof. Dr. Runtung , SH., M. Hum as the Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara has agree to this offer by signed an Mutual Agreement according to establish the #AussieBanget Corner in Universitas Sumatera Utara.

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This visitation was attended by the Counsellor (Political Affairs) of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Mr. Christian Hirst and welcomed by the Rector of USU, Prof. Runtung, SH., M. Hum (Rector of Universitas Sumatera Utara), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bustami Syam,MSME (Vice Rector for Information, Planning and Development of USU), Dr. Esther S. M. Nababan (Head of International Affairs Office of USU), Dr. Ing. Pramio G. Sembiring (Secretary of International Affairs Office of USU), Dr. Emerson P. Sinulingga (Advisory Staf of Rector for Planning)and Fadli, SE, M.Si (Advisory Staf of Rector for Planning)

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