Wellness Integrated Medicine (WIM) the first piloting of the SPIRIT Project 2023

Lecture Module : Wellness Integrated Medicine (WIM) under the Erasmus Plus Funding SPIRIT Project will will be held in April 2023.
One a must outside produced by SPIRIT Project Co funded Erasmus Plus is implementation modules and courses conventional and e-learning. Development modules and courses this expected could give addition Education curriculum about Effort increase activity proper physique and nutrition _ in prevent disease no contagious . conventional module this will held at the Faculty University of North Sumatra Medicine, which is the first Erasmus Plus Funding SPIRIT pilot project at the University of North Sumatra, which will started April 2023 and thereafter with the second piloting project namely Elective Block: Senior Care which will held in month June 2023. For Block Senior Care it has been a pre-piloting project will be held in November 2022.
Lecture module conventional it's also inviting lecturer international for follow give eye study in the WIM 2023 Block . Lecturer international role _ as well as that is Christophoros Giannaki and George Aphamis are from from the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Besides it's also Rita Cordovil 's origin from the University of Lisbon, Portugal also participated as well as . Topic lectures are very interesting and at the end module , will given Duty project where every student will look for case metabolic syndrome or obesity and analyze case the . Project this will give opportunity for students for give therapy exercise and nutrition personally to _ patient . Students will too invited for interact and present in form of plenary seminars.

Flayer Elective Block